How are you? I am really asking, so feel free to take a deep breath and check in with your body before you answer. You are welcome to send me an email and let me know what came for you.
As for me, I have been gradually finding my feet in what feels like some world-rocking, paradigm-shifting times.
Through the past few weeks in isolation, I have noticed that I have felt best when, even if I am doing it all in my PJs, I am using my gifts and working with others in ritual, spiritual guidance, pulling cards, even building forts with my daughter. I am fortunate that my work has been centred online for a while now and that I get to be my whole self when I am working. Lately, I have been yearning for ways to connect my work with my broader community, while showing up fully from a heart-centred and real (read: vulnerable) place. This feels especially important at this particular time when sometimes I am forgetting who I am and what the heck I am doing here. (Maybe you are also feeling some of this while trying to work/parent/cope/be a functioning human right now?)
With all that in mind, you are invited to join me for the next 7 weeks, for an online journey, Living from the Heart.
The Living From the Heart experience includes:
💟7 weekly Red Tent circles on Zoom, opening our hearts to specific themes each week, drawing on Kabbalistic wisdom (counting the Omer).
These face-to-face gatherings will:
- take place on Thursday nights at 7:30 PM on April 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21, & 28
- open our hearts
- support us all
- facilitate a brave space for sharing
- foster connection
- be woven with spiritual guidance
- follow this tentative outline:
- I share the weekly theme
- introductions and brief check-ins
- a blessing for those in need of healing and compassion
- I pull and interpret 7 cards (one for each day of the coming week) based on themes from kabbalistic wisdom
- we identify key messages together
- check out and closing
The Facebook group experience will include:
- *7 weekly, live-streamed Spiritual Guidance sessions on Fridays at 12PM on, April 10 (this week!), 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22 where I will:
- channel a blessing and message for the group
- answer specific questions about how to show up from our hearts through this time
- offer live, mini-card readings for group members who attend the livestream
- 49 daily card readings for our group with blessings and messages (the 7 cards for the coming week will be posted on Fridays)
- a space for members to post about our experiences, gratitude, learning and prayers through this time
*The Spiritual Guidance sessions will be recorded and available for group members to watch throughout the 7 weeks.
Cost to participate:
- 7, 1-hour, weekly, face-to-face, interactive Red Tent circles on Zoom, opening our hearts to specific themes each week, drawing on Kabbalistic wisdom with:
- support
- facilitated brave space for sharing
- connection
- woven with spiritual guidance
- Exclusive access to the private Facebook group with:
- 7, weekly, livestreamed Spiritual Guidance sessions with live mini-readings
- 49 card readings (one for each day of the 7 weeks)
- online space to post about our experiences, gratitude, learning and prayers through this time
OR ONLY the Living from the Heart Red Tent circles ($30/ritual) – $210 CAD
- 7, 1-hour, weekly, face-to-face, interactive Red Tent circles on Zoom, opening our hearts to specific themes each week, drawing on Kabbalistic wisdom with:
- support
- facilitated brave space for sharing
- connection
- woven with spiritual guidance
OR ONLY the Living from the Heart Facebook group – $36 CAD
- 7, weekly, livestreamed Spiritual Guidance sessions with live mini-readings
- 49 card readings (one for each day of the 7 weeks)
- online space to post about our experiences, gratitude, learning and prayers through this time
Payment NOTE:
Pay What You Can. No one will be turned away due to financial need. If you cannot pay the full price, just pay what you can afford.
Pay it forward! Feel free to pay a little extra (or a lot) to help cover the cost for someone who needs to pay less.
Send an etransfer to contact@anniematan.com for the full amount for your participation in whichever parts of the experience you choose and include your choice in the etransfer message box (so no matter what amount you pay, I will know which invitations to send) as follows:
Living From the Heart ALL (to join both the Zoom and Facebook group experiences) OR
Living From the Heart ZOOM (to only join the Zoom rituals) OR
Living From the Heart FB (to only join the Facebook group)
Once I have received your etransfer, I will send you the Zoom/Facebook Group invitations so you can just click (actively consent) to join in.
What if I don’t have Facebook but want to participate in the Lives/get the card readings?
You can create a basic Facebook account, without sharing your personal information, just for this group and the duration of this experience.
What if I live outside of Canada and cannot pay by etransfer?
Anyone wishing to join outside of Canada, can email me and I will send you an invoice to pay by credit card.
Can I invite my friends?
Absolutely! Please share this information with anyone you think might be interested.
Feel free to contact me with any additional questions. I hope you are finding ways to thrive through this paradigm-shifting time.
Love and blessings,
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